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水溶性大枣提取物行情分析 大枣多糖30%

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-10-27  浏览次数:66
核心提示:水溶性大枣提取物行情分析 大枣多糖30%1.水溶性大枣提取物行情分析 大枣多糖30%产品简介【产品名称】:大枣提取物 水溶性大枣提取

水溶性大枣提取物行情分析  大枣多糖30%
1.水溶性大枣提取物行情分析  大枣多糖30%产品简介
【产品名称】:大枣提取物  水溶性大枣提取物
【英文名称】:Jujube Extract
【成分英文】:Jujube polysaccharide

【提取来源】:鼠李科植物枣Ziziphus jujuba Mill.的干燥成熟果实

【产品规格】:大枣多糖30% 50%

【包    装】:铝箔袋1kg/袋,25kg/桶或根据客户要求
【保 质 期】:24个月

【种属】:植物提取物-大枣提取物  大枣粉  水溶性大枣粉  大枣多糖提取物

2.水溶性大枣提取物行情分析  大枣多糖30%行情分析
      3.  阶梯报价:



Xi'an Liping Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the research, development, production and sales of plant active ingredients. The company is located in Xi'an High-tech Industrial Development Zone, the main products: Turmeric extract, Sophora japonica extract, Acanthopanax senticosus extract, White kidney bean extract, Lotus leaf extract, Aloe vera extract, Rhodiola rosea extract, More than 100 kinds of plant extracts such as goat weed extract and white peony extract. Widely used in cosmetics, solid beverages and other fields.
The company strictly abides by the quality standards and quality control process in the production process, which effectively guarantees the stability of the company's product quality; in the product sales process, it always follows the service principle of "customer first" to create a win-win partnership with customers. Liping Biotech wholeheartedly hopes to establish a win-win cooperation relationship with enterprises at home and abroad.
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